Helping Organizations
Design and Build
Successful Training Strategies


Specialized Professional Development Services

JM Consulting is a Canadian-based agency focused on working with companies to develop and implement customized programs that will affect and deliver business results.

While based in Ontario, we have the expertize to customize frameworks and programs that can be delivered at the national, regional and global levels.



Ontario Building Code Part 8 Septic Installation Exam Prep Course Coming to Simcoe in March 2023

Nov 15, 2022

Ontario Building Code Part 8 Septic Installation Exam Prep Course Coming to Simcoe in March 2023


Ontario Building Code (OBC) – Part 8 On-Site Sewage Systems Exam Prep

Mar 10, 2025

This course deals with the 2012 Ontario Building Code (OBC) requirements for on-site Sewage Systems with design capacity of up to 10,000 litres per day. The OBC technical requirements for these systems are found primarily in Division B., Part 8 of the Code, but also include and refer to other portions of the OBC, the Building Code Act and Supplementary Standard SB6. This course is an introduction to the principles of on-site sewage systems and includes the following topics: • Requirements under the Building Code Act (BCA) as related to sewage systems • Site evaluations, test pits and percolation times (T-times) • System characteristics and daily design flows • Design and construction of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 sewage systems • Inspection and review of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 sewage systems • Operation and maintenance minimum requirements for existing systems, and • Occupational Health and Safety as related to sewage system inspection or enforcement This 5-day Exam Prep course is designed to prepare the student for writing the MMAH On-site Sewage Systems qualification exam. It is scheduled for March 10-14, 2025.

We like to start the process by understanding what you are trying to archieve:

Closing skills gaps, attracting and sourcing specialized technical talent as well as program delivery. From there, we develop the “design and build” of the program. This entails collaboration, research, insights to strategy, tactics, workshops, content, stakeholder engagement and social media that will deliver the best outcomes.


"I have had the pleasure of working with John Moudakis since 2009 when he joined the Education directorate at CUTA. One of his mandates in that new role was to implement and manage a pilot program for a next generation of SmartDRIVER.

Since John took the lead of this project, he has done a stellar job in promoting the program and in organizing more than 12 Train-the-Trainer Workshops across Canada, and his team has certified over 60 Transit Operator Trainers in driving for fuel-efficiency techniques. In fact, due to his strong project management practices, John rolled out and supported the certification process for FleetSmart’s Program.

In addition to contract management, John also did excellent work with the development of reports that required data collection from electronic sources.  John coordinated this effort working with CUTA’s IT as well as making recommendations on the functionalities of the database and sharing this information to the various stakeholders."

- Senior Manager - FleetSmart, Natural Resources Canada
Ottawa, Canada

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